In his ongoing quest to locate a lost Bitcoin wallet, James Howells offers to buy the Newport City landfill where he believes a hard drive, mistakenly thrown away, may still be buried beneath tons of trash.
James Howells Makes One Last Effort to Retrieve Lost Bitcoin From Landfill

James Howells Makes One Last Effort to Retrieve Lost Bitcoin From Landfill
After a prolonged struggle, Howells proposes purchasing the landfill to find a discarded hard drive containing $800 million in Bitcoin.
For over a decade, James Howells has pursued an audacious ambition: to reclaim a lost Bitcoin wallet believed to be worth around $800 million. The journey began in 2013 when he accidentally discarded a hard drive containing the coveted crypto key. After years of pleading with the Newport City Council in South Wales for permission to dig through its landfill, Howell’s plea has evolved into a new proposal: if he cannot excavate the landfill, he wishes to purchase it.
Howells envisions a methodical retrieval plan to locate the forgotten hard drive. His strategy includes using dump trucks to transport discarded materials to advanced AI-based scanning technology, further enhanced by a backup magnetic system aimed at spotting any remaining metallic objects. His motivation is clear: access to the landfill could lead him to his digital treasure.
Despite his ongoing negotiations and even a legal battle to secure the right to dig, the city has consistently refused his requests and is planning to finalize the closure of the landfill soon. With the clock ticking, Howells hopes his latest proposal will give both him and the community a win: the potential for a cleaner landfill site redeveloped into a park or, alternatively, reinstated as a dump.
“I believe this plan serves both our interests,” Howell stated, as he seeks an amicable resolution. He remains optimistic about unearthing his long-lost Bitcoin key, striving for a culmination to his relentless quest amidst a pile of trash.