The bald eagle, a longstanding emblem of the United States, has now been officially declared the national bird following President Biden's recent signing of legislation, finally giving the iconic creature the recognition it deserves.
Bald Eagle Officially Recognized as America's National Bird

Bald Eagle Officially Recognized as America's National Bird
Historic designation marks a significant moment for the nation's symbol of strength and freedom
In a significant step for American symbolism, the bald eagle has been appointed as the national bird of the United States after nearly 250 years of informal recognition. On Christmas Eve, President Joe Biden enacted a law that officially designates the bald eagle—a bird renowned for its striking white head and yellow beak—as the national avian symbol.
The bald eagle has held a place of prestige in American culture, featuring prominently on the country's Great Seal since 1782, but it lacked formal designation until Congress approved recent legislation. Jack Davis, co-chair of the National Bird Initiative, emphasized the importance of this title, stating, “No bird is more deserving.”
Despite this announcement, the bald eagle's candidacy as the country's representative has not always been universally accepted. Benjamin Franklin famously opposed its selection due to its perceived "moral character." Nonetheless, the bald eagle has been embraced by many as a symbol of strength, courage, and freedom throughout history, particularly since it is indigenous to North America.
The legislation championed by Minnesota lawmakers reflects the state's robust bald eagle population, which Senator Amy Klobuchar highlighted in her advocacy for the bill's passage. Additionally, the bald eagle has been protected under the National Emblem Act of 1940, which prohibits its hunting and sale. Following near extinction, conservation efforts have successfully revived the eagle population significantly since 2009.
Biden's signing of this bill was part of a larger legislative package, including 50 other measures, one of which addresses campus safety regarding hazing. The recognition of the bald eagle as the national bird is a cherished victory for many, solidifying its place in America's heritage.