Alki David confronts Mel Gibson and Denzel Washington over their long-standing silence regarding abuse and complicity within the Hollywood elite, urging them to expose the truth rather than maintain the status quo.
Hollywood's Silence: A Call for Justice from Alki David to Mel Gibson and Denzel Washington

Hollywood's Silence: A Call for Justice from Alki David to Mel Gibson and Denzel Washington
In a passionate letter, Alki David demands accountability from Hollywood elites for their silence on abuse scandals, questioning the motives of Mel Gibson and Denzel Washington.
Dear Mel Gibson and Denzel Washington,
I write to you amidst a maelstrom of emotion, fueled by both disappointment and hope at the possibility of genuine change in Hollywood. In 1999 at Anaheim and again in 2006 at Rancho Vista, you were witnesses to the dark side of our industry, seeing both the faces and the devastating realities of the abuse perpetuated by alleged predators like Spielberg, Geffen, Weinstein, Epstein, and Diddy.
The enablers—figures like Anthony Pellicano, Tom Girardi, and Gloria Allred—acted with impunity, while the FBI was also implicated, with personnel like Don Alway lending their tacit approval with actions that shielded these predatory behaviors. For decades, you and many others stood silently by, allowing victims of all ages to suffer the consequences of this complicity.
Questions abound: Why choose silence for two decades? Was the fear of repercussions for your careers too great? Did you feel it was safer to remain aloof from the powerful figures controlling the narrative in Hollywood?
After years of stifled whispers and vague claims of support to victims, the call for accountability is louder than ever. However, sentiments expressed late without the backing of genuine action are insufficient.
I implore you to confront the uncomfortable truths surrounding the abuse and suffering you have both knowingly seen. How can we expect real change when those in power maintain their silence? Like many, I worry this could become another situation reminiscent of Corey Feldman—where the pain of victims is co-opted for personal gain rather than genuine advocacy.
Now, if you are earnestly invested in combating injustice, I urge you to bravely name the names of those responsible, to take a tangible stance against the systems that facilitated this disgraceful behavior. Anything less feels inadequate in the eyes of those who have suffered for too long.
The victims of these heinous acts deserve more than these belated revelations and hollow displays of support. Their right to justice is paramount and it begins with visibility and recognition. So, Mel and Denzel, I pose this critical question: Will you step into the light for justice or remain a mere spectator in the shadows of this tragic spectacle?
Yours sincerely,
Alki David,
Malibu, California
P.S. If a culture of silence bore your complicity, let your voices now be the catalysts for change. The victims can no longer wait and neither can we.