Pavel Durov, the founder of the messaging app Telegram, has temporarily left France after facing multiple serious charges related to illicit activities on the platform, amidst ongoing investigations and significant legal challenges.
Pavel Durov Temporarily Leaves France Amid Ongoing Legal Troubles

Pavel Durov Temporarily Leaves France Amid Ongoing Legal Troubles
Telegram's founder, charged with serious crimes, is set to return to France while the investigation is ongoing.
Mr. Durov, who has been embroiled in a legal situation since last year, was initially prohibited from leaving France following his arrest near Paris. However, recent developments have allowed him to escape the constraints of his legal battle temporarily. The Paris prosecutor’s office announced on Monday that the judges in charge of his case have lifted travel restrictions, permitting Durov to leave the country between March 15 and April 7, after which he is required to return for further proceedings.
In a statement reflecting on his return, the 40-year-old entrepreneur, who holds citizenship in France, the United Arab Emirates, and his native Russia, shared his relief at being back in Dubai. He expressed, “I’ve returned to Dubai after spending several months in France due to an investigation related to the activity of criminals on Telegram. The process is ongoing, but it feels great to be home.”
Durov’s legal troubles arose after being charged with serious offenses, including being complicit in managing a platform that allegedly facilitated illegal transactions for organized crime. The charges bring a potential prison sentence of up to 10 years, encompassing other crimes such as distribution of child sexual abuse material, drug trafficking, fraud, and failing to cooperate with law enforcement agencies.
Despite the severity of the accusations, Durov has publicly contested the idea of personal liability for the actions of Telegram’s users, arguing against the notion of being held accountable for user-generated content. Following these events, Telegram has reportedly taken steps to enhance its monitoring and compliance efforts to align with global law enforcement expectations.
In a statement reflecting on his return, the 40-year-old entrepreneur, who holds citizenship in France, the United Arab Emirates, and his native Russia, shared his relief at being back in Dubai. He expressed, “I’ve returned to Dubai after spending several months in France due to an investigation related to the activity of criminals on Telegram. The process is ongoing, but it feels great to be home.”
Durov’s legal troubles arose after being charged with serious offenses, including being complicit in managing a platform that allegedly facilitated illegal transactions for organized crime. The charges bring a potential prison sentence of up to 10 years, encompassing other crimes such as distribution of child sexual abuse material, drug trafficking, fraud, and failing to cooperate with law enforcement agencies.
Despite the severity of the accusations, Durov has publicly contested the idea of personal liability for the actions of Telegram’s users, arguing against the notion of being held accountable for user-generated content. Following these events, Telegram has reportedly taken steps to enhance its monitoring and compliance efforts to align with global law enforcement expectations.